Message of the day!

Week Three!

Day Three we made progress

Alright! We had Thiago show us how to us his robot and how it could move using a controller from a sensor. He coded everything and demostrated it to the class

Heres is a list of things of what we did for review just incase anyone wants to access them again

We are impressed that many of you have already started projects and asking us how to improve them

Thiago is bringing in LED's to play with for next class, look forward to that!

If you guys have any questions, remember to email us or save them for next class and we will try out best to help you

See you next week!

Week Two!

Day Two was busy!!

We came in with exmaples ready for you guys to make something print out your full name and built a calculator!

Heres is a list of things of what we did for review just incase anyone wants to access them again

See you next week!

Week one!

Day one was pretty chaotic!

We have introduced ourselves and hopefully all of you already got to know each other! We apologize for the akwardness in the beginning since this is our first time doing CodeDojo

Heres is a list of things of what we did for review just incase anyone wants to access them again

See you next week!

This is my Website!

Hi folks!!!

This is your first homework for Coder Dojo!

For next class you need to do here in neocities:

You should also insert images for the foods you like and links for the ones you don't like

Second homework

  1. Change your website background
  2. Change your paragraphs font (you can choose the font)
  3. Create three input text fields
  4. Create a script to interact with the inputs
  5. Create a button to activate the script
  6. Create an account on Code Combat and start learning A LOT more JavaScript while having A LOT of fun =D

Here are the examples we saw on the dojo on July 9th


First name:

Last name:


First number:

Second number:

